This monograph is intended as an approximation to the impact of the Internet on the reputation of the company, its brand, its products, its services and, in some cases, their managers.
A while now Internet has become an everyday tool for most people. One consequence has been the rise of so-called pre-shopping: consumer, before buying, Internet consulting the opinions of other consumers, and references in general about the product or service you are considering buying. This trend is evident not only in buying products online but also offline. So before shopping, consumers look online for information about the products or services you are valuing buy. A good example of this behavior is the leading portal for consumers, CIAO.es.
Here are some figures: according Red.es studies, more than half of Spanish Internet connects normally (one 73.20% of those accessing they did in the last week before the survey) and are satisfied by the price / utility service. Furthermore, almost all Spain 18.6 million who have used the Internet and find that surfing the web is easy or very easy.
The XIX Household Panel Wave Observatory of Telecommunications and Information Society of Red.es notes that the growth of connected households is incessant. In Spain there are over 7.1 million households connected to the Internet, 12% more than the same period last year.
The growth in Internet use has had a direct impact on the purchase decision process of consumers. Let us take, as one example, the importance of blogs as a reference for many consumers.
Today there are over 133 million blogs worldwide. Only in Spain, according to a study by the Fundación Telefónica, between 1.5 and 2 million Spanish Internet users write or at least read blogs.
In addition, the online recommendation greatly influences on purchase decisions of users. According to a study by Zed Digital a year ago, 39% of bloggers bought a product on line after reading a positive review on a blog, while 41% stopped buying a product or service in the website after reading a negative opinion on it. A 44.1% of blog readers in Spain 'claim to be willing to change their usual brand if they read something negative' through this feed. The study of Zed Digital stand at about 800,000 the number of consumers affected their buying habits for the content of these communication channels.
In Europe, about 40 million people consult at least one blog before buying via e-commerce store.
Given this scenario, it is clear the importance that companies take care of their image on the internet, as that image shows the online reputation of a company and the Internet, with its influence, can make or break a brand. At this point I quote an article by Eva Anton Prestigia Media Manager Online, "Corporate reputation online: benefits for companies", which for the first time in Spain analyzes the concept of in-depth online reputation.
In Spain, unlike the Anglo-Saxon market (U.S. and UK), most companies are still not aware of the importance of corporate reputation online. Remain beyond criticism and anonymous Internet comments only react when, often, it is too late to repair the damage to its image.
Often, the process is as follows: one or more consumers criticize the company product or poor service. Such criticism, if justified, the net spread by other consumers who value information important and also want to show solidarity with the affected consumers. Once they reach a certain entity criticism in the network (in terms of number of references), some offline media echoes the same, making the critical "news" and giving it legitimacy. That's when the manager, with the newspaper on the table or watching the news, she recognizes the seriousness of the matter. And that's when you go to your Communication Agency to take action on the matter.
Other times the impact on the network is such that, even if they reach the traditional media, the directors of the company just being aware of the damage they cause such criticism.
React later has a high cost to the company, both in terms of reputation and in economic terms. On the one hand, for the lost sales because of the bad publicity, and on the other by the costs involved in hiring communication professionals to take charge of managing the situation of crisis in the Company.
If your company has a certain size, sure your customers have already thought about your services or products on the Web Or if not, soon will. At least that's the trend observed in the habits of Internet users, who increasingly act as responsible consumers or active consumers through the Internet. In this sense, I never tire of repeating that we are in the age of consumerism, advancing by leaps and bounds thanks to the Internet.
If prior complaints about your product or service had limited range, with the Internet, things have changed radically. In a matter of seconds, an angry consumer on the network can enter a negative review to be released in a few hours. The information is distributed on the Internet at a rate exponentially higher than in real life.
The critical or negative comments about your business can come from different sources. It is important to identify in order to evaluate its impact on Internet-potential consumers-and, also, in order to approach any action strategy.
Reviews could come from dissatisfied customers or upset with your product, vindictive employees, former employees resentful, consumer opinion Webs, Webs of complaints and claims, Consumer Organisations, competitors who criticize you openly unscrupulous competitors posing by consumers, public bodies with expertise in your market (certifiers of quality or consumer protection), journalists, unions, rankings made by Consultants prestige rankings derived from the folksonomy (Internet voting companies or products), NGOs, activists various kinds, etc..
The criticism may affect your business on several fronts: sales, potential investors, shareholders, market value, working environment, brand image, brain drain, relationship with your suppliers, potential partners, mergers and acquisitions ...
In this paper we will focus only on the impact on your sales can suffer therefore the impact that negative publicity will have on your potential consumers.
Undoubtedly, the opinions have a greater impact on consumers and influence their purchasing decision are those of other consumers. When consumers are planning to buy a certain product, assesses the advantages or product defects, for example, the labor policy of the company and its employees. This does not mean that criticism of employees are not important: of course they are, but to a lesser degree than the opinions focused on the product or service. Such comments are usually located in the so-called consumer generated media.
The so-called Consumer Media will therefore generated the main source to be considered in managing the online reputation of the company. Not the only, but the most important.
These media take various forms: blogs, consumer sites (ie Ciao), general or sector forums, groups (Google, Yahoo!, MSN ...), chats, wikis, podcasts, videos, news feeds digital media, Websites reference (ie Wikipedia), social bookmarking sites, syndicated content via RSS, sites dedicated exclusively to your company (ie WaltmartWatch vs. Walmart, etc.).
All of them are characterized generate and index content in the search engines with enormous speed. The RSS and syndication have contributed more if possible to a rapid diffusion of this content on the network. Some of these sites appear in the top results when consumers look for the brand or product name. This is the case of the leading consumer portal Ciao remarkably well positioned in the search engines. And, many of these reviews, just, sometimes causing losses to the company millions-criticized.
By now many will wonder what to do with the criticism that his company receives on the Internet. Or better, how to monetize the Internet to increase the prestige of the trademark. Given this need, in recent years there have been professionals Marketing and Communications Service specializing in corporate reputation management online. Professionals in the case of multinationals, sometimes are confined to the Company itself or, in other cases, belong to external communication agencies.
Although, as previously advanced, that the Anglo-Saxon market leads us in this area, also in Spain is becoming aware of the need to properly manage the company's reputation online.
The Corporate Reputation Management program combines online Digital Marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Online Public Relations.
Good management will result in positive publicity for the company and in neutralizing the criticism or negative comments.
Let's analyze the three basic processes of Corporate Reputation Management online business:
1. Monitoring contents: Daily monitoring of the references to your company on the Internet
Two. Analysis: Analysis of positive or negative impact for your company
Three. Strategy and Action Plan: Strategy definition and lines of action proactive or reactive
1. Content Monitoring
1. 1 Tracking relevant content
First, you must monitor all references that appear online about your company, its brands (brand tracking), its products, its services and in companies of a certain size and social impact, their positions. This type of appearances on the network refer to as "relevant content".
Tracking relevant content on the Internet will help the Company to any crisis situation finds you unprepared. Thus, when faced with situations of crisis, the Company may act immediately to neutralize the negative content.
But not everything is here. The monitoring will also serve to monetize content and take advantage of positive content that can appear on the network.
Indeed, the proliferation of content on the web is huge and, one might think, almost uncontrollable. However, the Internet offers a wide range of tools to give us comprehensive monitoring of relevant content for our Company: Search Engines, Systems Alerts (ie Google and Yahoo), payment monitoring programs (with additional benefits for free ), RSS, Feedstar, Technorati and others.
1. 2 Management Online Reputation proactive vs. Reactive Management
This track relevant content that can affect the prestige of your company is necessary but insufficient. That is, the Company is not always simply react reactively, as a result of damage had occurred. No trailer can always go on the defensive. For an excellent online reputation management is necessary for the Company rush reputation management in the digital media as a proactive work.
Must be the company that set the pace of events online. Which ultimately determined in this work which are the inputs (news, reviews, reviews ...) that your target audience, your target-receive line. Business Inputs logically should work to appear first in search engines.
2. Analysis
2.1 Diagnosis and Evaluation
Once collected and sorted all relevant content we assess to what extent they affect our brand. We will determine the degree of influence of each of the Web sites of conflict and the factors that determine its position on the Internet (type of site, Page Rank, number of relevant text links, feedback generated by other Internet users ...).
However, that is not enough. We will have to identify the author or authors of those negative comments because the more information we have the author, more evidence will have to assess the extent of the problem. The problem will be potentially more damaging in terms of motivation to have the author of the criticism and the degree of justification for their comments.
From all possible sources of criticism to your company mentioned above, the most influential certainly is formed by dissatisfied or angry customers.
2.2 Assets of your business online
Simultaneously, we must analyze our greatest assets online. I refer here to the company's corporate website, micro-sites, product / service, sites of our partners, news and press releases generated, appearances sector portals, etc.. This will be our "being" on our balance Digital Corporate Reputation.
Analyzed our assets (positive entries) and our liabilities (negative input) and the positioning of both the search engines, we will order a clear idea of following the inputs it receives the consumer that we are looking for the network and the importance or credibility each of them.
Then determine what Web sites you should first neutralized and behave this mission work.
2.3 Causes: the root of the problem
Last, but not least, we identify the root causes of these negative entries. In fact, if the criticism is justified, it will not help if we do not solve neutralize what is criticized (ie defective products, negligent service, lousy customer service, after-sales service inadequate Environmental charges, poor working conditions and so on).
Shelved that for business ethics and common sense, it is logical to address the criticism that we throw (employees, consumers, ...), if these are justified. This is the advice that in our communication agency, we always give to companies that seek to hire us just to "put out fires" or "plug black holes."
We insist not solve the underlying problem, but neutralize the bad press digital, resurface at any time by the "boomerang effect". Go you to the root of the problem and cut the roots, with concrete and reasonable solutions. If your enemy is being unreasonable, do not fight, join him. It is better from every point of view: ethical, professional or commercial. This is, at least, our experience with our customers.
Not enough that such solutions occur in reality, but we must be able to move them across the network, and that is the task of those responsible for the communication. If our good deeds can not reach the Internet, also would have failed in managing the crisis.
3. Strategy and Action Plan
Made the diagnosis and evaluation of your online reputation, it is time to act to influence the results that search engines seek generated when your brand Internet and other information related to your business.
We noted earlier that it is desirable that the company adopts a proactive work attitude and managing your online reputation. Must be the company who set the pace, not their detractors. However, we focus here on the most common situations in Spain, which are the face reputational crisis precisely because before the crisis the company has done nothing.
At this point we have identified the sources of negative comments and possible authors. We have also evaluated the scope of each of these sources and the cost it will take for the company. Now it is a strategy and action.
In the design of the company's strategy should consist of specific objectives (ie clean your reputation, increase positive inputs ...). To achieve these objectives, we adopt the most appropriate measures for each case, which will vary depending on multiple variables of the criticism (scope, justification, authorship, referring site ...) and type of company criticized.
Point out some of these possible measures, which are not always exclude each other:
Take action to lower the position (in the search engines) harmful Web sites for your business. Priority will fight the most influential and best positioned. We will achieve better positioned to generate positive results.
Creating a Web exclusive to respond to the crisis and responses to company officials contentious issue.
Participation in hotspots (ie blogs, forums ...) seeking constructive dialogue from the truth, because the network is satisfied that that "is caught by a liar than a lame". Such participation should be supervised or performed by a qualified professional communication in crisis situations. The opposite would be seriously unwise.
Where appropriate, correct. The consumer appreciates positive recognition and subsequent error correction by the Company. This, of course, only makes sense when the company actually has something to recant. The correction can be channeled via press Digital Press, corporate blog, blog of President ...
Generally do not recommend going to the legal route, even though it is right. Among other things, because that action produces the opposite effect. Threats of lawsuits generally conveyed in the macro-diffusion of matter in the network. In these cases, the critic ends up being a martyr and the Company in a kind of inquisitive: I get the backfire. Therefore unjustified accusations prudencia.En cases that are likely to constitute a crime, and after a careful assessment by experts in communication and our lawyers, legal action could be taken.
Register for our brand in the Pay Per Click Ads major search engines (ie Google AdWords), so do not use our brand ads for fraudulent purposes (ie advertising competition or even negative publicity of our brand).
Contact responsible for the website or blog and reach an understanding conflict.
Perform a specific advertising campaign Pay Per Click. These campaigns have the advantage of appearing well positioned (in the appropriate place these ads) immediately.
We conclude with the well-known quote attributed to Warren Buffet, the world's richest investor, known as the "Oracle of Omaha":
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you Think About That, you'll do things differently.
(It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think, do things differently.)
This monograph is intended as an approximation to the impact of the Internet on the reputation of the company, its brand, its products, its services and, in some cases, their managers.
A while now Internet has become an everyday tool for most people. One consequence has been the rise of so-called pre-shopping: consumer, before buying, Internet consulting the opinions of other consumers, and references in general about the product or service you are considering buying. This trend is evident not only in buying products online but also offline. So before shopping, consumers look online for information about the products or services you are valuing buy. A good example of this behavior is the leading portal for consumers, CIAO.es.
Here are some figures: according Red.es studies, more than half of Spanish Internet connects normally (one 73.20% of those accessing they did in the last week before the survey) and are satisfied by the price / utility service. Furthermore, almost all Spain 18.6 million who have used the Internet and find that surfing the web is easy or very easy.
The XIX Household Panel Wave Observatory of Telecommunications and Information Society of Red.es notes that the growth of connected households is incessant. In Spain there are over 7.1 million households connected to the Internet, 12% more than the same period last year.
The growth in Internet use has had a direct impact on the purchase decision process of consumers. Let us take, as one example, the importance of blogs as a reference for many consumers.
Today there are over 133 million blogs worldwide. Only in Spain, according to a study by the Fundación Telefónica, between 1.5 and 2 million Spanish Internet users write or at least read blogs.
In addition, the online recommendation greatly influences on purchase decisions of users. According to a study by Zed Digital a year ago, 39% of bloggers bought a product on line after reading a positive review on a blog, while 41% stopped buying a product or service in the website after reading a negative opinion on it. A 44.1% of blog readers in Spain 'claim to be willing to change their usual brand if they read something negative' through this feed. The study of Zed Digital stand at about 800,000 the number of consumers affected their buying habits for the content of these communication channels.
In Europe, about 40 million people consult at least one blog before buying via e-commerce store.
Given this scenario, it is clear the importance that companies take care of their image on the internet, as that image shows the online reputation of a company and the Internet, with its influence, can make or break a brand. At this point I quote an article by Eva Anton Prestigia Media Manager Online, "Corporate reputation online: benefits for companies", which for the first time in Spain analyzes the concept of in-depth online reputation.
In Spain, unlike the Anglo-Saxon market (U.S. and UK), most companies are still not aware of the importance of corporate reputation online. Remain beyond criticism and anonymous Internet comments only react when, often, it is too late to repair the damage to its image.
Often, the process is as follows: one or more consumers criticize the company product or poor service. Such criticism, if justified, the net spread by other consumers who value information important and also want to show solidarity with the affected consumers. Once they reach a certain entity criticism in the network (in terms of number of references), some offline media echoes the same, making the critical "news" and giving it legitimacy. That's when the manager, with the newspaper on the table or watching the news, she recognizes the seriousness of the matter. And that's when you go to your Communication Agency to take action on the matter.
Other times the impact on the network is such that, even if they reach the traditional media, the directors of the company just being aware of the damage they cause such criticism.
React later has a high cost to the company, both in terms of reputation and in economic terms. On the one hand, for the lost sales because of the bad publicity, and on the other by the costs involved in hiring communication professionals to take charge of managing the situation of crisis in the Company.
If your company has a certain size, sure your customers have already thought about your services or products on the Web Or if not, soon will. At least that's the trend observed in the habits of Internet users, who increasingly act as responsible consumers or active consumers through the Internet. In this sense, I never tire of repeating that we are in the age of consumerism, advancing by leaps and bounds thanks to the Internet.
If prior complaints about your product or service had limited range, with the Internet, things have changed radically. In a matter of seconds, an angry consumer on the network can enter a negative review to be released in a few hours. The information is distributed on the Internet at a rate exponentially higher than in real life.
The critical or negative comments about your business can come from different sources. It is important to identify in order to evaluate its impact on Internet-potential consumers-and, also, in order to approach any action strategy.
Reviews could come from dissatisfied customers or upset with your product, vindictive employees, former employees resentful, consumer opinion Webs, Webs of complaints and claims, Consumer Organisations, competitors who criticize you openly unscrupulous competitors posing by consumers, public bodies with expertise in your market (certifiers of quality or consumer protection), journalists, unions, rankings made by Consultants prestige rankings derived from the folksonomy (Internet voting companies or products), NGOs, activists various kinds, etc..
The criticism may affect your business on several fronts: sales, potential investors, shareholders, market value, working environment, brand image, brain drain, relationship with your suppliers, potential partners, mergers and acquisitions ...
In this paper we will focus only on the impact on your sales can suffer therefore the impact that negative publicity will have on your potential consumers.
Undoubtedly, the opinions have a greater impact on consumers and influence their purchasing decision are those of other consumers. When consumers are planning to buy a certain product, assesses the advantages or product defects, for example, the labor policy of the company and its employees. This does not mean that criticism of employees are not important: of course they are, but to a lesser degree than the opinions focused on the product or service. Such comments are usually located in the so-called consumer generated media.
The so-called Consumer Media will therefore generated the main source to be considered in managing the online reputation of the company. Not the only, but the most important.
These media take various forms: blogs, consumer sites (ie Ciao), general or sector forums, groups (Google, Yahoo!, MSN ...), chats, wikis, podcasts, videos, news feeds digital media, Websites reference (ie Wikipedia), social bookmarking sites, syndicated content via RSS, sites dedicated exclusively to your company (ie WaltmartWatch vs. Walmart, etc.).
All of them are characterized generate and index content in the search engines with enormous speed. The RSS and syndication have contributed more if possible to a rapid diffusion of this content on the network. Some of these sites appear in the top results when consumers look for the brand or product name. This is the case of the leading consumer portal Ciao remarkably well positioned in the search engines. And, many of these reviews, just, sometimes causing losses to the company millions-criticized.
By now many will wonder what to do with the criticism that his company receives on the Internet. Or better, how to monetize the Internet to increase the prestige of the trademark. Given this need, in recent years there have been professionals Marketing and Communications Service specializing in corporate reputation management online. Professionals in the case of multinationals, sometimes are confined to the Company itself or, in other cases, belong to external communication agencies.
Although, as previously advanced, that the Anglo-Saxon market leads us in this area, also in Spain is becoming aware of the need to properly manage the company's reputation online.
The Corporate Reputation Management program combines online Digital Marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Online Public Relations.
Good management will result in positive publicity for the company and in neutralizing the criticism or negative comments.
Let's analyze the three basic processes of Corporate Reputation Management online business:
1. Monitoring contents: Daily monitoring of the references to your company on the Internet
Two. Analysis: Analysis of positive or negative impact for your company
Three. Strategy and Action Plan: Strategy definition and lines of action proactive or reactive
1. Content Monitoring
1. 1 Tracking relevant content
First, you must monitor all references that appear online about your company, its brands (brand tracking), its products, its services and in companies of a certain size and social impact, their positions. This type of appearances on the network refer to as "relevant content".
Tracking relevant content on the Internet will help the Company to any crisis situation finds you unprepared. Thus, when faced with situations of crisis, the Company may act immediately to neutralize the negative content.
But not everything is here. The monitoring will also serve to monetize content and take advantage of positive content that can appear on the network.
Indeed, the proliferation of content on the web is huge and, one might think, almost uncontrollable. However, the Internet offers a wide range of tools to give us comprehensive monitoring of relevant content for our Company: Search Engines, Systems Alerts (ie Google and Yahoo), payment monitoring programs (with additional benefits for free ), RSS, Feedstar, Technorati and others.
1. 2 Management Online Reputation proactive vs. Reactive Management
This track relevant content that can affect the prestige of your company is necessary but insufficient. That is, the Company is not always simply react reactively, as a result of damage had occurred. No trailer can always go on the defensive. For an excellent online reputation management is necessary for the Company rush reputation management in the digital media as a proactive work.
Must be the company that set the pace of events online. Which ultimately determined in this work which are the inputs (news, reviews, reviews ...) that your target audience, your target-receive line. Business Inputs logically should work to appear first in search engines.
2. Analysis
2.1 Diagnosis and Evaluation
Once collected and sorted all relevant content we assess to what extent they affect our brand. We will determine the degree of influence of each of the Web sites of conflict and the factors that determine its position on the Internet (type of site, Page Rank, number of relevant text links, feedback generated by other Internet users ...).
However, that is not enough. We will have to identify the author or authors of those negative comments because the more information we have the author, more evidence will have to assess the extent of the problem. The problem will be potentially more damaging in terms of motivation to have the author of the criticism and the degree of justification for their comments.
From all possible sources of criticism to your company mentioned above, the most influential certainly is formed by dissatisfied or angry customers.
2.2 Assets of your business online
Simultaneously, we must analyze our greatest assets online. I refer here to the company's corporate website, micro-sites, product / service, sites of our partners, news and press releases generated, appearances sector portals, etc.. This will be our "being" on our balance Digital Corporate Reputation.
Analyzed our assets (positive entries) and our liabilities (negative input) and the positioning of both the search engines, we will order a clear idea of following the inputs it receives the consumer that we are looking for the network and the importance or credibility each of them.
Then determine what Web sites you should first neutralized and behave this mission work.
2.3 Causes: the root of the problem
Last, but not least, we identify the root causes of these negative entries. In fact, if the criticism is justified, it will not help if we do not solve neutralize what is criticized (ie defective products, negligent service, lousy customer service, after-sales service inadequate Environmental charges, poor working conditions and so on).
Shelved that for business ethics and common sense, it is logical to address the criticism that we throw (employees, consumers, ...), if these are justified. This is the advice that in our communication agency, we always give to companies that seek to hire us just to "put out fires" or "plug black holes."
We insist not solve the underlying problem, but neutralize the bad press digital, resurface at any time by the "boomerang effect". Go you to the root of the problem and cut the roots, with concrete and reasonable solutions. If your enemy is being unreasonable, do not fight, join him. It is better from every point of view: ethical, professional or commercial. This is, at least, our experience with our customers.
Not enough that such solutions occur in reality, but we must be able to move them across the network, and that is the task of those responsible for the communication. If our good deeds can not reach the Internet, also would have failed in managing the crisis.
3. Strategy and Action Plan
Made the diagnosis and evaluation of your online reputation, it is time to act to influence the results that search engines seek generated when your brand Internet and other information related to your business.
We noted earlier that it is desirable that the company adopts a proactive work attitude and managing your online reputation. Must be the company who set the pace, not their detractors. However, we focus here on the most common situations in Spain, which are the face reputational crisis precisely because before the crisis the company has done nothing.
At this point we have identified the sources of negative comments and possible authors. We have also evaluated the scope of each of these sources and the cost it will take for the company. Now it is a strategy and action.
In the design of the company's strategy should consist of specific objectives (ie clean your reputation, increase positive inputs ...). To achieve these objectives, we adopt the most appropriate measures for each case, which will vary depending on multiple variables of the criticism (scope, justification, authorship, referring site ...) and type of company criticized.
Point out some of these possible measures, which are not always exclude each other:
Take action to lower the position (in the search engines) harmful Web sites for your business. Priority will fight the most influential and best positioned. We will achieve better positioned to generate positive results.
Creating a Web exclusive to respond to the crisis and responses to company officials contentious issue.
Participation in hotspots (ie blogs, forums ...) seeking constructive dialogue from the truth, because the network is satisfied that that "is caught by a liar than a lame". Such participation should be supervised or performed by a qualified professional communication in crisis situations. The opposite would be seriously unwise.
Where appropriate, correct. The consumer appreciates positive recognition and subsequent error correction by the Company. This, of course, only makes sense when the company actually has something to recant. The correction can be channeled via press Digital Press, corporate blog, blog of President ...
Generally do not recommend going to the legal route, even though it is right. Among other things, because that action produces the opposite effect. Threats of lawsuits generally conveyed in the macro-diffusion of matter in the network. In these cases, the critic ends up being a martyr and the Company in a kind of inquisitive: I get the backfire. Therefore unjustified accusations prudencia.En cases that are likely to constitute a crime, and after a careful assessment by experts in communication and our lawyers, legal action could be taken.
Register for our brand in the Pay Per Click Ads major search engines (ie Google AdWords), so do not use our brand ads for fraudulent purposes (ie advertising competition or even negative publicity of our brand).
Contact responsible for the website or blog and reach an understanding conflict.
Perform a specific advertising campaign Pay Per Click. These campaigns have the advantage of appearing well positioned (in the appropriate place these ads) immediately.
We conclude with the well-known quote attributed to Warren Buffet, the world's richest investor, known as the "Oracle of Omaha":
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you Think About That, you'll do things differently.
(It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think, do things differently.)